Eco-Friendly Products For You

Most of us are aware of the fact that we are destroying our planet. Our practices and products have a detrimental impact on our environment. Although the focus on replacing plastic products with eco-friendly products has increased, the impact that plastic has on our surroundings is not common knowledge.

The World Wildlife Fund states that 90% of seabirds around the world have some amount of plastic in their system. 80% of the plastic that enters the oceans is produced on land and enters the sea through rivers and streams. Only about 9% of the plastic is recycled in the world and the amount of time it takes for plastic to decompose is a few hundred years.

The world is desperate for eco friendly products and their users. Here are some quick points one can keep in mind to do so. We should aim to reduce plastic consumption while also using products that are eco friendly and the least harmful for the environment. We can all opt to use items that can be reused, rather than single-use items and look for products that are made of recyclable materials. Ensuring that we only buy cruelty-free and ethically made products- this includes makeup and switching to sustainable fashion practices. And lastly and most importantly- educate yourself! Remain aware of better, cleaner, greener alternatives and practices to engage in.

Here is a list of some eco-friendly products to start with.
Switching to these does not require a drastic lifestyle change:

Eco-friendly Bamboo Utensils and Toothbrushes:

As we all know by now, plastic straws are a thing of the past. Thankfully most restaurants and even juice boxes use straws made of paper. I challenge you to take this green initiative one step further. Carry around washable bamboo straws and utensils to save hundreds of paper straws and plastic utensils which you would probably use. A small kit with this in your bag and you are making the planet greener.
Click here to find it on Amazon

Bamboo toothbrushes are also an additional step to reducing plastic waste.
This link has a set of 6 toothbrushes. One purchase can last you over a year, and save the planet!
Click here to find it on Amazon

Reusable Makeup Wipes

A big waste I have noticed is the sheer number of cotton pads used every day mostly by women for skincare and makeup removal. Purchasing a reusable multipurpose face scrubber is great to cleanse your face and take your makeup off at the end of the night. They are washable and reusable. This saves money and also the amount of waste produced by an individual.
Click here to find it on Amazon

Traveler Coffee Mug

This may be a bit of an unconventional suggestion, but I will plant it in your head anyway! If you stop at your favorite coffee shop on your way to work or have a coffee machine in the office, think about the number of paper cups you use in a week, month, or year. Instead of wasting paper and increasing waste, buy a traveler’s coffee mug and use it at the coffee place, home, and office!
Click here to find it on Amazon

Eco-friendly Cloth Bags

An oldie but a goodie! We were all taught in school about carrying a cloth bag to the shop rather than using the plastic bag given by the shop. Now, there is a ban on single-use plastic, I ask you to still carry cloth bags to the shop to reduce the number of paper bags used by the shops every day. 
Click here to buy cloth bags from NDNS

Eco-friendly bag

Small changes can make big differences. Making small decisions when we purchase an item, get our morning coffee, or walk to the grocery shop can have major benefits.

About the Author

Riya Mehtani is an aspiring psychologist, she adores animals and bugs and loves spending time in nature.

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