The environment supports us all, literally. Without the earth’s environment, we would not be alive. Unfortunately, the environment is getting destroyed and many people are suffering because of the environmental destruction and pollution. One important fact to notice is that, when people are trying to save the environment, all their differences are put aside automatically and everybody cooperates with each other in order to ensure a survivable future. When life is at threat, people join hands without considering the other persons political belief, religion, nationality, gender, skin color, wealth etc. When air pollution effects millions, or a river is being polluted, or a large forest being destroyed, its always the individuals that will be drastically impacted, who come together to oppose a small handful of people that are overcome with selfish desires.
I totally agree! Even cotton bags should be reused until they fall apart; otherwise they an prove to be worse than the plastic! Avoid paper bags too because they lead to deforestation.