Sui Celebrated Earth Day At Lodhi Garden

On Monday, the 22nd of April, Earth Day celebrated its 49th year and we at Sui were determined to be part of it.
Our fashion brand, Sui, is a sustainable one. With fashion being one of the largest polluting industries in the world, our founder Mahima Gujral sought to create a brand that strives to be an example of effective slow production at no cost to the environment.
Being only a year old, there is still a lot of room for growth and we’re always learning and making changes to be as sustainable as we can be. Another way we try to keep to this mission is by being as involved with anything green-oriented as we can – as a way to lead other minds in being more eco-conscious as well as educate ourselves.
So for Earth Day, we decided to get in contact with NDNS and see what we could get involved in. Earth Day is a day of environmental awareness, a day that can create or change policy that may do something good for our planet. It’s a day that prompts conversations around climate change, wildlife conservation, anything and everything to do with saving our planet. And for it we thought we could simply go on a walk and appreciate the nature around us and think about the affect we make on it daily.
At 7am our group gathered at Lodhi Gardens with Verhaen Khanna as our knowledgeable guide and we went on our journey into nature. Our small but engaged group toured the gardens with open minds and green hearts; ready to really look outside of ourselves and appreciate the Earth we walk on. What we experienced was a peaceful morning observing the immense variety of flora and fauna existing just within those gardens. We stopped frequently to look at the trees and learn their names, watched as three-striped palm squirrels and green parakeets roamed around, going about their business. We learned how the gardens produced zero waste by repurposing green waste; taking everything that falls to the floor and making them into small pellets that were returned to the earth, a continuous circle of life.
And, yes, we learned the facts, but we also found and appreciated the walk itself.  At the start of the walk, we were told by Verhaen that we would use all of our senses, be as in the moment as we can, surrounded by petals, leaves, soil and bark. Not only did we stand among the trees, we climbed them and hugged them. We touched soft flower petals, smelled mint, heard the calls of all kinds of birds, tasted various leaves we could use in our salads and, of course, saw nature in all its forms.
We would like the thank NDNS for a wonderful morning, our Sui team is always working to make sure we do right by our environment and getting to spend a couple hours just enjoying it reminded and inspired us to keep going. We hope we get to carry on and be a force in protecting our Earth and be as green as we can be.

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