- Photos were clicked of the areas which were carrying out the felling of the trees.
- Anil Sood, President of NGO Chetna then filed a case.
- A candle light march was done by the residents of Delhi who came together to oppose the felling of these healthy beautiful trees.
- Then on Saturday morning, people showed up to occupy the trees and hug them.
- On Sunday morning, cyclists and runners showed up to support the cause.
watch video #1 watch video #2
- Then on Sunday afternoon, there was a meeting at Sarojini Nagar Police Station.
- Then finally on Monday morning, the High Court decided to order NBCC to not cut anymore trees until July 4.
- On 26th June after the High Court banned the felling of trees till 4th July, Mr. Vimlendu Jha was surveying the trees in Netaji Nagar where NBCC Contractors were cutting the trees. PCR was called and one supervisor was taken into custody for contempt of court.
- Throughout history, people have had amazing experiences just by sitting under trees. Like the discovery of gravity and discovery of Buddhism.
16,500 trees are in danger, let’s meditate under them.
- Citizens of Delhi gathered at Sarojini Nagar to express their love and compassion for Trees. Thousands of beautiful healthy trees full of wildlife are under threat in this area and several
other areas nearby. Cars crossing the group stopped to say
“We are very proud of you all“ ,
“Thank you for saving our trees” ,
“Thank you for saving Delhi”.
- It was really heart warming to see so many people of all ages at the protest for trees in Netaji Nagar. There were musicians, dancers and poets who volunteered to perform. The energy was super amazing.
- Residents of Delhi gathered at Siri Fort Auditorium to protest about the 16,500 beautiful healthy trees full of wildlife which were under threat of being massacred by the
government. Senior experts of wildlife, tree experts, renowned architects, college professors, lawyers, doctors and children of all ages joined this protest. There were also dance and drama performances related to trees.
- At the NGT hearing on 2nd July, The court has ordered a stay on NBCC Tree Felling till 19th July and has issued notices to several departments.
- High Court, 4th July
-Vimlendu Jha