Dogs are a blessing
I have always loved animals, especially dogs. and played with them since my childhood. Dogs of my locality and I are friends. It gave me so much joy to be around them. In 2015, when I was 8 years old, I wished for a dog but my mother did not agree to have one. She was not an animal lover. I would pray to have a dog and drew sketches and put dog picture frames near my bed. In 2017, I finally was able to convince my parents.
Luckily, a dog named Firki 🐕, a desi, who I befriended a long time ago in my locality gave birth to six little puppies.
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Spreading love is easy
It was winter at that time so my neighbors and I took care of them. I used to feed them and play with them everyday. I started taking my mother along to watch them. To my surprise she too started taking food for them. Something changed for her and she agreed to adopt one of them. We as a family talked to many people about keeping a pet. We got mixed opinions from everywhere. But one thing was common, the people who had dogs were very happy people. My next door neighbors have three adopted Indian dogs. We felt inspired by them. 🐶
Dogs deserve protection
After a few weeks our neighbor Oli aunty decided to take them for a dog adoption drive organized by PAWS (pet animal welfare society). She took me also along and asked me to take care of the pups.
To our joy, four puppies got adopted successfully. One puppy decided to stay with his mother and the other one with white fur and brown spots ended up with us. He was the smallest of them all. We brought him home on 15th March 2018 and named him Chewie 🐶.
We engaged a dog trainer, who gave us all the information about raising a dog, their diet and exercise. Then we also took him to a vet who gave him all the necessary vaccinations. We took care that he didn’t pee inside the house and he was so intelligent that he learned to relieve himself on the newspapers kept in the balcony. In the beginning, I could feel that he felt lost as he was away from his siblings. 🐶
Dogs love, care and protect you
One cold evening, I was sitting on the stairs with Chewie. I looked at him and he returned my stare with a sweet smile and twinkling eyes. I started remembering the day when I first brought him to our house.
He had cried the whole night. He got up, came to us and jumped onto our bed. We stared at him and he opened his mouth and yawned. My mom put her hand on his head and he smiled and licked it. She got less afraid and patted him. From that day we started bonding with him more and more. I played with him, my brother took him for a walk, my father gave him food and bathed him and my mother made food for him. My mother took care of him and fed him with her own hands sometimes. 🐶
He is two and a half years old and looks like a grown-up adult dog now. He is very strong, agile, is very disciplined and very intelligent. Everyone loves him. Even our neighbors are like family to him. His mother and brother also play with him when he goes for a walk. We are so happy to receive love from these four-legged companions.
Often when we are looking for pets we don’t mind spending large amounts on getting a pet of our choice. However, the love of a desi dog comes for free.🐶
ADOPT a stray, don’t shop.🐕
By adopting a stray we can give them a beautiful life, they can adapt and live with us easily. Indian stray dogs are very good guard dogs, low on maintenance, and have a strong immune system. They are agile and intelligent. By adopting an Indian stray it will make a small but significant difference in the world and we can help reduce stray dog population. 🐶
About the Author
Aarav is a budding animal lover, especially loves dogs. He wished to have one since long and as a child, dogs of his locality were his friends and he spent his evenings goofing around and playing with them. Gradually he realized that along with love, dogs need protection and care. He wants to spread awareness for warmth and kindness towards animals.
Very nice, imaginative, thoughtful, full of love & affection towards animals. Great effort & wish like this of a boy aged 8-10 years. I wish such aged children should get inspiration.