Tree Census

Tree Census

Walking around and recording data about the trees near you. Yes, that is the Tree Census!

An exciting and rather simple project that we have worked on in the past is Tree Census. This activity consisted of walking around in the neighborhood and collecting data about the trees near us. Volunteers from all across the city joined us for the same. The type of data that is collected during this activity is the height of the tree, its thickness, its location, its species, and the amount of soil space around it. We also take note of any nails, wires, or cement present around the tree. Giving the tree ample soil space around it is crucial for its growth. This is because these things may block the water that is given to them to get absorbed by the soil and reach the roots. This type of data is useful to keep track of trees near us and provide them with any additional resources if they are lacking any.

Volunteers coming and joining us from many different places is very beneficial for us and the environment. In this way, they learn how to carry out the Tree Census with us and then can further employ the same in their neighborhoods and other areas of their choice. This helps us to extend our outreach to more and more areas in the city and get as much data as possible in a very short time. This way we cover more areas and record data on a larger scale.

The data we collect helps us to make sure that the trees around us are healthy and green. Join us for future Tree Census events and/or explore our other projects.

2 thoughts on “Tree Census”

    1. Hi, its not been pblished becaus eit was not completed, however we need to restart it now and then we can publish it, the tough part is the lack of interest from people who want clean air in Delhi.

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